================= File Navigation ================= .. _fm-goto-anything: Goto Anything ============= Using Goto Anything, you can **navigate your project's files** swiftly. .. image:: file-management-goto-anything.png Keyboard shortcuts related to Goto Anything: +------------------------+------------------------+ | **Open Goto Anything** | Ctrl + P | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Pin current item and | Enter | | close Goto Anything | | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Pin current item | → | +------------------------+------------------------+ | Close Goto Anything | Esc | +------------------------+------------------------+ As you type into Goto Anything's input area, names of files in the current project will be searched, and a preview of the best match will be shown. This preview is *transient*; that is, it won't become the actual active view until you perform some operation on it. You will find transient views in other situations, for example, after clicking on a file in the sidebar. Goto Anything lives up to its name --there's more to it than locating files. Goto Anything Operators *********************** Goto Anything accepts several operators. All of them can be used on their own or after the search term. Example:: models:100 This instructs Sublime Text to first search for a file whose path matches ``models``, and then to go to line 100 in said file. Supported Operators ------------------- .. _fm-goto-symbol: :samp:`@{symbol}` Searches the active file for the symbol named ``symbol``. .. note:: Symbols usually include class and function names. Symbol searches will only yield results if the active file type has symbols defined for it. Symbols are defined in ``.tmLanguage`` files. For more information about symbols, see :doc:`../reference/symbols`. .. See *Symbols - Syntax Preferences* .. (TODO: to be added). :samp:`#{term}` Performs a fuzzy search of the ``term`` search term and highlights all matches. :samp:`:{line_number}` Goes to the specified ``line_number``, or to the end of the file if ``line_number`` is larger that the file's line count. The Goto Anything operators are bound to the following shortcuts: +--------+-----------+ | **@** | Ctrl + R | +--------+-----------+ | **#** | Ctrl + ; | +--------+-----------+ | **:** | Ctrl + G | +--------+-----------+ .. _fm-sidebar: Sidebar ======= The sidebar provides an overview of the active project (more on projects later). Files and folders in the sidebar will be available in `Goto Anything`_ and project-wide actions like, for example, project-wide searches. .. TODO: maybe say "Find in Files" instead. Projects and the sidebar are closely related. It's important to note that there's always an active project; if you haven't opened a project file, an anonymous project will be used instead. The sidebar provides basic file management operations through its context menu. These are common keyboard shortcuts related to the side bar: +----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | **Toggle side bar** | Ctrl + K, Ctrl + B | +----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Give the focus to the side bar | Ctrl + 0 | +----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Return the focus to the view | Esc | +----------------------------------+-----------------------+ | Navigate side bar | Arrow keys | +----------------------------------+-----------------------+ Files opened from the sidebar create *semi-transient* views. Unlike transient views, semi-transient views show up as a new tab. The tab title of semi-transient views appears in italics. Before a new semi-transient view is opened, any other pre-existing semi-transient view in the same pane gets automatically closed. Here's an example showing a normal view, a transient view, and a semi-transient view. Notice that the transient view has no tab: .. image:: file-management-transient-views-detail.png Panes ===== Panes are groups of views. In Sublime Text, you can have multiple panes open at the same time. Main keyboard shortcuts related to panes: +-----------------------+--------------------+ | Create new pane | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+↑ | +-----------------------+--------------------+ | Close active pane | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+↓ | +-----------------------+--------------------+ Further pane management commands can be found under **View → Layout** and related submenus.